Citizen Hotline
The Washington State Auditor’s Office operates a hotline for citizens and government employees to report assertions of government fraud, waste and abuse. It is also a place to report government efficiency or outstanding achievement.

  • • This is an anonymous service. You are not required to provide your name and/or contact information. You may choose to provide your name and contact information to help our office with follow-up on referrals. The law requires that your confidentiality be maintained until the investigation is complete, at which time all records are subject to public record laws. If you wish to waive your confidentiality, please submit this form.
  • Please provide as much detail as possible.
  • If you are an employee of Washington state government, you may opt to file your complaint with the State Auditor’s Whistleblower program, which protects your confidentiality after the investigation and publication of the report.
  • If you wish to speak directly to someone about your concern, call our toll-free hotline at 1-866-902-3900.
  • Contact us by Mail:

    Washington State Auditor’s Office
    ATTN: Hotline
    P.O. Box 40031
    Olympia WA 98504-0031

Referral Information

What type of entity is involved? *

What state or local organization is involved? *
What category best fits the assertion you are submitting? *
Please identify the specific concerns you are hoping the audit will address.
Please provide a detailed description of the assertion or outstanding achievement, including who, when, where, what, how and how much.
How did this issue come to your attention?
What employee(s), contractors, etc., were involved in the assertion or achievement? Please include employee titles if possible.
Please provide the names of any witnesses to the assertion or achievement, if possible.
Does your assertion relate to a current litigation? *
* are required.

Your Information(optional)

In accordance with RCW 43.09.186 all Hotline submissions are confidential until the completion of the investigation unless the person submitting the concern agrees to waive their confidentiality.
First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Mobile Phone:
I am a:

May we contact you to obtain additional details, documentation, or clarification?
If so, how would you prefer to be contacted (check all that apply):

Additional Comments

Please provide any additional details or comments that would help us understand your assertion or achievement.